Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Acai Berry Products - 10 Important Points That You Must Remember Before Purchasing Them

One common question that may arise in your mind before purchasing acai berry products is, does it actually matter where you have purchased the products or supplements of acai. The answer is as simple as the question itself and comes up every time you go out to purchase acai products. It is actually very important that you purchase these products from a company that has a good reputation. This is because every product is not created in the same way. There are several steps to be followed while processing acai products and thus, it is very important for the customers to know everything about the products and its usage. Popularity of the acai berry has grown during the past 6 or 7 years and as a result it has increased enthusiasm in people and therefore manufacture of the berries has also increased dramatically. Manufacturers have joined the race of producing different forms of acai berry products.

The business behind this race must be graphed by the customers. Consumers must search for the manufacturer that is true to his job and at the same time who does partake in short cuts for manufacturing acai. The processing as well as the ingredients used both play a vital part in ensuring the quality of the products. If the ingredient, that is the acai berry, is not fresh and are of poor quality the nutrients won't be preserved. Furthermore, if the products are good but the processing is not done properly, the end result will suffer some short comings. If you don't pay attention to the product details as well as the manufacturing details, then there may be cases where you can end up with a product that has no nutritional value or any of the other advantageous qualities. Such products may be the end product produced with the help of fillers or other unwanted chemicals. Before purchasing you must search for the product that has a standard set for purity of acai supplements and products. The standards are as follows:

First of all, acai berry products must be certified as an organic ingredient. They have to get certification from the USDA that provides organic certified acai products. Non organic fruits can be injurious to your health and as a result they may be exposed to pesticides and other harmful chemicals. Antioxidant products that are non organic may contain toxins, pesticides and herbicides.

Secondly, it is important to know the shortcomings of acai berries. Acai must be processes within 24 to 72 hours. This purple gem which is also popularly known as the crown jewel of the amazon starts losing its qualities within this time period. A company with a good reputation never wishes to upset its clients and as a result produces quality products.

Thirdly, the products must be freeze dried instead of spray dried. To preserve the essential nutrients present in acai, freezing must be done. Spray drying immediately releases all the nutrients that could have been beneficial to the body. Spray drying works by heating the acai berries at very high temperatures that as a result destroys the active properties present in the acai berries.

Fourthly, Acai berry fruit as well as the supplements or products of acai should never be overheated. At the time of pasteurization, high heating is involved that may destroy its active properties. It is recommended to flash pasteurize the acai berries. It's a known fact that flash pasteurization does not destroy the enzyme level of the berry and in additional it is also approved by the FDA.

Fifthly, at the time of process acai berry products the manufacturing company should not use fillers like soy or maltodextrin. At the time of extraction of acai berry pulp no fillers or chemicals should be used. Some manufacturers use fillers, chemicals as well as carriers at the time of pulp extraction but they are not considered to be an added ingredient so they are not listed on the label.

Sixthly and the most important thing that you must study about the product is that the acai product that you wish to purchase should not have fillers or water added to it. Once water or fillers are added to acai, you might not obtain the actual amount of acai since fillers bulk the acai berry products. You must check that there are no fillers like corn, other fruit juices or soy. Acai berry products with no fillers are the best option.

Seventhly, there should be no added sugar, artificial sweetener or anything present in the acai product. You must ensure that the acai product that you wish to purchase does not contain any type of added sugar. It is a well known fact that sugar harms the immune system causing you to possibly become easily infected. It is also not good as it may cause inflammation and increase weight issues.

Eighthly, in acai berry products the manufacturers should not use preservatives. Acai is a health based nutritional product that should be taken in a natural manner. Chemical preservatives in the acai products may destroy its characteristics.

Ninthly, an acai product with ORAC lab test certifies the presence of antioxidants. The tests are based on a genuine acai berry products only.

Tenthly, there are some companies that go further and certify their products with Kosher Certification. Kosher certification is the next ultimate level for quality control that guarantees and provides the highest quality of acai juice or capsules.

Last but not least, the acai products should not be filtered so that it retains its richness. The acai juice should be thick and should not contain water, sugar, preservatives and sodium. It must stay as a wholesome organic acai pulp. Acai products must be kept in glass bottles because the plastic bottles may cause plastic leakage.

Now we know that the acai berry products are not created equally. The manufactures have a hard time finding the best quality acai berries that are both fresh and at the same time people find it difficult to find the product that qualifies all the above standards.

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